Race/Ethnicity *
Pronouns *
Have you ever been a mentee? *
Have you been a mentor in the Dimensions Mentoring Program previously? *
How important is similar matching based on Major or Interest? *
Are you available for training in August 2024? Please note that the training will take place the week prior to classes starting. *
Do you plan to go abroad in 2024-25 Academic Year? *
Are you interested in joining a Sorority or Fraternity in 2024-25 Academic Year? *
Dimensions meets on Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:00 PM throughout the academic year. I understand my unavailability on Friday afternoons may affect my ability to participate in the program. Please indicate whether you understand by clicking "yes" or "no" below. *
Additional Items
Please attach a copy of your unofficial transcript to this application.
When you submit your completed application, someone will contact you for an interview for prospective 2024-25 Dimensions mentor.
Final decisions will be made and relayed to Dimensions mentors Spring 2024.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
I understand that by submitting this application, I am not being offered a position in the Dimensions Mentoring Program nor am I committing to a position in the program. Please indicate you understand by selecting "Yes, I understand" below. If you do not understand, please select "No, I do not understand" below and email the Coordinator of Dimensions, at bknieves@syr.edu *